Enzymatica announces outcome of new rights issue
The Board of Directors for Enzymatica (”Enzymatica” or ”Company”) today announces the outcome of the new rights issue with preferential rights for existing shareholders that was published on March 29, 2021 (the “Rights issue”). The new rights issue was fully subscribed, and the Company will receive proceeds amounting to about SEK 59.1 million before issue costs. The new rights issue was subscribed for 55.6 percent with subscription rights and 4.6 percent without subscription rights. The remaining part of the new rights issue was subscribed for through guarantee commitments by the Company’s three largest owners.
On June 2, 2021, the subscription period for the new rights issue ended. The final outcome shows that the new rights issue was fully subscribed, whereof 55.6 percent were subscribed for with subscription rights and 4.6 percent without subscription rights. The remaining part, corresponding to 39.8 percent, was subscribed for by the Company’s three largest owners according to guarantee commitments. The subscription rate of the new rights issue was SEK 12 kronor per share and the Company will receive proceeds amounting to about SEK 59.1 million before issue costs.
“The latest year has been challenging for Enzymatica since the Covid-19 pandemic has caused fewer that have caught common colds, which has had a negative effect on sales of Coldzyme®. Once countries complete their vaccination campaigns we believe that cold remedy markets could start to recover in the second half of 2021, which is expected to affect our sales positively. The new rights issue will give us resources to continue with our aggressive geographical expansion, and in addition, to carry out additional clinical studies to strengthen Coldzyme’s position, and further to establish other product areas. Moreover, we secure our need of working capital. I would like to thank all shareholders who have supported us in the new rights issue, and in particular our three principal owners, who have put their trust in Enzymatica and its potential,” says Bengt Baron, Executive Chairman of Enzymatica.
By the new rights issue the share capital will increase by SEK 196 998,20 to SEK 5 909 946,04. The total number of shares in the Company will increase from 142 823 696 to147 748 651.
Erik Penser Bank AB is Enzymatica’s financial adviser in connection with the rights issue. Mannheimer Swartling is the Company’s legal adviser.
For more information, please contact:
Bengt Baron, Executive Chairman, Enzymatica AB
Phone: +46 (0)708-59 30 09 | Email: bengt.baron@outlook.com
Therese Filmersson, CFO and acting CEO, Enzymatica AB
Phone: +46 (0)708-40 72 24 | Email: therese.filmersson@enzymatica.com
Carl-Johan Wachtmeister, Communication manager, Enzymatica AB
Phone: +46 (0)701-88 50 21 | Email: carl-johan.wachtmeister@enzymatica.com
The information in this press release does not contain or constitute an offer to acquire, subscribe or otherwise trade in shares or other securities in Enzymatica. Any invitation to the persons concerned to subscribe for shares in Enzymatica was only made through the prospectus that Enzymatica published on May 12, 2021.
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Within the European Economic Area (“EEA”), no public offering of securities is made in other countries than Sweden. In other member states of the EU, such an offering of securities may only be made in accordance with an applicable exemption in the Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129.
About Enzymatica AB
Enzymatica AB is a Swedish life science company that develops and sells health care products for primarily
conditions of the ear-nose-and-throat region. The products are based on a barrier technology that includes marine enzymes. The company’s first product is the medical device ColdZyme®, a mouth spray against common cold. The product has been launched in about 30 markets on 3 continents. The strategy is to continue to grow by developing more health care products and strengthening the company’s position in existing markets and expanding into new geographic markets through established partners. The company has its headquarters in Lund and is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. For more information, visit: www.enzymatica.com and www.enzymatica.se/en/section/media/press-releases
Enzymatica’s certified adviser is Erik Penser Bank. Tel: +46 (0)8 463 83 00 E-mail: certifiedadviser@penser.se